Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Cane Syrup; a commoner's summer delight

In months of scorching heat and humidity, it's a routine for common people to have a chilled glass of sugarcane syrup, commonly known as 'gun-nay ka russ', while on their way to work or back to their homes.

A glass of 'gunnay ka russ' often comes with a pint of salt sprinkle added to freshly extracted suyrup right in front of you.

For a person suffering from South Asian summers, one glass of this drink can reinject the freshness and activeness to keep him/her going for a good time.

If visiting my country, trying this drink from a roadside stall is a must!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Blue Whale in the Sky!

While travelling almost a month back, I noticed this piece of a cloud in the sky.

Just couldn't resist sharing one of my favorite shots with you!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

--- being back in business ---

I know, I know it's been so long since I last updated my blog.

My exams went fine and got pretty good results. Now, I'm preparing for the ultimate finals that are going to be here pretty soon. I need your best wishes for that too.

There have been many inquiries on why I wasn't writing.

Well, life was getting busier plus I was busy coping with the inner confusion & restlessness in my mind. Interestingly, no apparent reason existed for the state that I was under. I guess it was pretty normal to take a break and have time for one's own self and family.

However, from now on I would definitely try to be regular and reconnect with my precious friends and acquaintances that I've made through this beatiful channel of friendship and cross-continent communication.

Lahore Metblogs